Sunday, January 10, 2010
This is my action photo.
It is a "frozen in time" picture of the boy jumping in the air trying to catch the basketball.
There is a sense of movement in the photograph since the subject is jumping and there is also emphasis because the background is not distracting and you can focus on the person/object.
I love the pending sense of movement from the ball in the air. Also, I like the emphasis on the subject.
I like how you have catured both the boy and the ball in the air. This really helps emphasize the motion in the picture.
I really like how you were able to take a picture right when the basketball was out of the subject's hands. Good way to emphasize on the subject. Good job!
I like how you can tell the motion of the person and the ball. And the white background makes the subject jump out.
I like how there is light on top of the boys body it really emphasizes the ball leaving his hands.
I like how there is a real sense of shape&form because of the white background. You can really see the motion, too. Great work! [:
i love how you altered it to create a sense of youth and playfulness. great timing
I like the angle you took this picture at. Its very unique. Good job!
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